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  • Writer's pictureGabi

Why impress him/her?

Hey guys, it’s Gabi on the microphone and today, I will be talking on an interesting topic. Don’t worry, I won’t go religious today (Do you know that in the book of genesis, the bible says that “For this reason a man will leave his parent and build a home with his wife?” I know that isn’t how the bible puts it). Anyways, what I will be speaking about today has to do mostly with the youths (Bro Raphael leave here, you are already expecting your sixth child)

Youths, let me ask us a question (For I am also a youth). “Why do we so much want to impress girls even when we don’t have anything?” (James can relate). I know you understand what I am saying so don’t try to pretend you can’t relate because I know you can. Like you know you are all broke and have nothing but wants to make sure you impress that beautiful lady or guy, why? (Stop giving me that eye of confusion, I know you understand). Do you know that you are only lusting over a girl/guy you can’t be yourself in front of? (Who stone me this stone?). Yeah, I am serious. If you find yourself pretending to be who you are not in front of any girl or guy, then you are only lusting over them, that is not love but unfortunately, that’s what our generation calls love. We only pretend to achieve something and when we have gotten that, we go our way (I don’t need to be raw before you understand me). Please, what I am saying also applies to the girls, if it’s true love, you don’t need to pretend in front of him.

Like I have seen my friends come to borrow money from me just to impress a girl (Not like I haven’t done the same thing). What is it that you can’t tell a girl ‘I am broke, I don’t have?’ See, I understand it’s not our fault, it is lust and lust is of the devil. Are you afraid he/she might run to another guy if you are yourself? If a guy or a lady leaves you because you are being yourself then you should thank God because she isn’t the one. The good news is that there is someone out there that will love you exceptionally for being who you are (Many at times we know that someone but we don’t want them because they aren’t the ones with the shapes and the other lustful thing you are looking for). But I tell you something, I have once been with a girl with the shapes, I have once been with a girl with the beauty and now we are no more so what’s there to those earthly things? Please, if you must date then you should be looking for true love and not going after a girl that has what the eyes loves. Should I tell you the gospel truth? That girl or guy you are trying to impress isn’t the one you will end up with (Am telling you the truth), he/she will leave you one day. Let me tell you that day he/she will leave you, yes, I know the day. That day when you are tired of impressing and start feeling you are being cheated, that day when you are tired of pretending, that day when everything just tire you, that is the day.

How does it feel if you tell a girl “I am broke” and she replies “I love you for just who you are”? That sounds like love to me (Though not in all cases o, some girls are jezebels oo, their aim is not your money but your destiny).

What I am trying to say is that you shouldn’t try to impress anybody, there is a girl out there that will just want you for you. If you find yourself trying to pretend to be whom you are not to any guy or lady, please stop it now and let him/her go because at the end he/she will still leave (Believe me or not, it will happen because you will get tired of forcing it). You are not what you pretend you are, you are what you are. Don’t put pressure on yourself, my guy relax (I don’t mean you should not work o). If you don’t have, tell him/her I don’t have (Bro Mathew, don’t come and borrow money from me again). Please don’t force it, let it go. Be yourself my dears (it is peaceful). Don’t go to a lady telling her “I have money, I can take you anywhere or the likes. I don’t know how you guys say it, (I didn’t toast my exes, we just started dating). Excuse me bro Nkechi, being yourself does not mean you should be dirty o, trying to be clean isn’t impressing anybody, it’s good to be clean, Trying to force yourself to provide something you don’t have just to make sure a girl or guy doesn’t go is lust. True love won’t want to go, you don’t need to force true love, it will surely stay. It is not a must you date, if you know you are the type that want to provide all for you girl but have nothing, then good news, don’t date yet, pursue your dreams and stop making noise that you can give everything when all you can truly give is your broke self (I actually hate sounding rude but I can’t help this one)



Experience they say is the best teacher.

Writer: A guy with experience.

Go to them just the way you are

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