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  • Writer's pictureGabi



I stumbled on a scripture some days ago (Days Ke? Some weeks ago). It was talking about how our destiny has already been predestined by God and it has been predestined according to God’s purpose. Hmm, firstly, we have a destiny to fulfill, we have a purpose, we have goals to achieve, we have impact to make but all these will always come to place for us if we live our lives according to God’s will and purpose because they have been planned to work based on his will and purpose. Hmm, could this be the secret behind our endless struggles? The struggle of trying to force open a door that isn’t meant for us. Everyone wants to force things these days forgetting that we already have a path prepared for us by God. Everyone has that purpose to fulfill but we aren’t taking the right path towards it, we are working based on the world’s system and not God’s system. If we can just calm down and allow God’s will be done in our lives, we will see how blessed we have been destined to be. End that endless knocking on the door that won’t open, turn back to God and ask him what he has destined for you. You didn’t come into this world for nothing o, the world is like a machine, a machine doesn’t come with a spare part, it comes with exactly all it needs to make it function (I got that line from a movie, I won’t lie, I didn’t form it). We are in this world to achieve something, we have our purposes.

The Holy Spirit has been sent to help us achieve all we should achieve, he has been sent for our own redemption. Instead of continuing our endless struggles, why don’t you just turn you attention to seeking God? Trust me, God is waiting for you, just like the father waited all day at the balcony for the prodigal son to return, God is waiting all day for you to turn back because without him, just like how the prodigal son became useless and weary after trying to struggle without his father, we will also wear ourselves out if we trying struggling with the hands of God leading us.

What are you doing today? Is it in accordance with God’s will?

And don’t forget that the Holy Spirit is the only best friend you can have (sorry to my earthly best friend, I have found the best best friend). I love you but God loves you more.

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