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  • Writer's pictureGabi



Hello everyone, it’s Gabi on the microphone (I am forever with my forever) and today, I have something interesting to say. You know, like most believers, I have this regular prayer I say everyday “God, let me see light, let me encounter light. Let my life be full of light” (That’s majorly my prayer every passing day). I know I am not the only one with this kind of prayer point (Don’t hide it, it can’t be just me, it must not be just me). So as usual, today, I was in my normal “God, let show me your light, let my life be full of light ….” I kept on praying and something struck (Not like as if something struck me like thunder or light o, I mean something struck my thought). “Wait o, Gabriel, how do you expect to see light when your thoughts are full of darkness?” I was shocked, I never thought of this. Seriously, I don’t pray anyone be in my thought (It is so dark). How can I be praying for light and be there thinking about how I will take revenge or someone or how I will manipulate someone in a bad way? (Who does that?).

This isn’t for just me, it is for us all that are crying for light. Even the bible says in the book of proverbs that our life flows from our heart (Our thoughts). Sorry I didn’t put it in the exact way the bible puts it, I read that scripture a very long time ago. See, you can’t be praying for something and be thinking of something else, from your thoughts, your life will flow. No wonder we were asked to always guide our thoughts. Let your thoughts be in accordance with the life you want, let all the tripartite basis of your existence always reflect the kind of life you want. Light will never come to a dark mind. Sorry I didn’t tell you, hope you know you have control over your thoughts and actions. You can control what you think of, you can control what you do. So please, guide your thoughts today and see how your life will change dramatically. I think the devil knows this and that’s why he will always attack our thoughts, that is his first point of target, he knows that “If I can corrupt this believer’s thought, it will be very impossible for him to get anything good from God”.

Oh Yeah, hope you know I love you but God loves you more, n


ow you know.

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