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  • Writer's pictureGabi



Good evening everyone, it is Gabi on the microphone and as always, I have something short to say. So last night my friends and I were talking about friendship and we were like complaining about how some friends are bad friends, how some can’t make sacrifice for themselves and the rest stuff like that.

We so much talked about negative friends and even preached against them before I asked the striking question “What about you, are you a good friend?” there was silence, no one expected it.

You see how selfish we are, we can so much criticize others but have never taken time to examine our own selves. You complain about how all your friends are bad, you must be a bad person for all your friends to be bad. I think we should stop all these complaints and stop seeing the bad in others, start seeing the bad in your own self and work on it. You don’t expect your friend to make sacrifice for you when you have taken any step to add something to his/her own life. If you want to receive well, then do well. Most at times, we are often the bad friend but we paint others as being bad because we have been corrupted to always give excuses for our faults and never to take responsibilities. If you want someone to love you, then love them. If you want someone to be committed to you, then be committed to them. If you want someone to make sacrifices for you, then make sacrifices for them rather than sitting down and complaining to the world about how your friend is selfish and self-centered meanwhile you are the most self-centered friend that will ever exist. Before you find the fault in others, make sure you are good to a fault. Don’t come and complain to me about your friend when you are actually the bad friend (Brother Daniel am talking to you, I am not hiding it). Let us try and be good and reciprocate every good done to us and not just sit and expect everyone to always be good to us when we in ourselves are bad.

And don’t forget to always buy them gift on their birthdays.

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Ask yourself, "Am i a good friend?"

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