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  • Writer's pictureGabi

This Cosmos


“Clears throat” Hello guys, it is Gabi on the microphone as always and I have something short to say today. Firstly, sorry I didn’t post yesterday, it was a busy day yesterday, tight schedules. Today I will be talking on something I just got inspired to talk on yesterday when I was discussing with one of my very good friend. Anyways, before I start, I will love to introduce you to our very new member, Brother Romanus (He called me this morning to tell me that he is now a member of our Facebook branch).

I have looked well at things happening around me and I have come to the conclusion that “Yes, devil and his agents exist”. They really exist, if you are not seeing their manipulations, I am seeing them. They are not normal. I know they might be normal to some of you both they aren’t.

Why it that people stuck with poverty are so blessed with a lot of children that they can’t cater for while those that are well blessed with money and the rest will cry to get a child? Some of them even end up adopting children. What is it?

Some of you will say you are poor and you are giving birth anyhow. It isn’t their fault, many at times, they don’t want the child, but the devil will stop at nothing unless he sees you a beggar.

This is the device of the devil. See, you can’t ignore God and expect the devil to leave you alone. One force must have effect on your life, there are no two ways about it. See, this world is controlled by the spiritual and not the physical. Yes, what controls the physical is the spiritual just as the living controls the non-living. If you don’t want to be part of God’s system, then congratulations, the devil will induct you to his own system.

You can’t just be on no side. That’s the reason why you see those that are rich (They might not have made money through any illegal means but they probably don’t give God attention) childless and those that are poor, fruitful. To be blessed in all ramifications, you need just one thing, God. If you tell yourself “Me o, I am just on my own o, I don’t want God, I don’t want devil” you will be shocked the devil will want you because he also controls this cosmos. Don’t just stand no side. The devil will come and manipulate you, he will make sure he touch one or two aspect of your life so that you will never be fulfilled.

What I am just trying to say today is that trying to stand on the fence is the most dangerous, the best place to stand is with God. To have absolute fulfillment,you need to stand with God.

Don’t just stay and say “I don’t want God or devil to disturb me, I will just stay on my own”. Even that statement alone is a sign that the devil is already disturbing you.

No wonder Jesus Christ said he is the way, the truth and the life. There are other ways o, but the only good way, the only way where you get fulfillment is through the Christ. There is no way you will take a bad way that you won’t encounter problems. A passage has already been designed for you, it is left to you to follow it or not to follow it.

I don’t have much to say today so I just dropped this short piece.

This cosmos is controlled by forces

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