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  • Writer's pictureGabi

The good way

Hello friends, it is Gabi on the microphone as always. I hope all is well with you as it is well with me, anyways, we thank God. As always, I have something interesting to talk on, it will also encourage some people out there especially the youths.

My sermon today will be taken from the book of Isiah (I can’t remember the chapter and verse now). “Find the ancient path wherein is the good way” (I didn’t put it exactly as the bible puts it). The fact that there is a good way is a clear evidence that there is also a bad way. We all know the bad way, the way of our world today. Who are the people following this bad way? We the youths, the same people that are meant to be looking for the ancient path.

I don’t exactly know how to start but by the grace of God, I hope you understand this message. Firstly, do you think God is in support of poverty? Do you think God is a God of the poor? Do you think if you stay with God, you will die poor? (Be sincere, tell me what you think).

What is this pressure that we the youths of nowadays want to cut any means to make money? What is there in money? When I see the way youth of nowadays are so desperate about money, one thing comes to my mind, they think this world is forever. Don’t you know one day, you will die and everything you have ever earned will be vanity and then you will face reality on the basics of how you have lived your life on earth? I am not saying it is bad to want to have money, I believe a blessed person will want to praise God more than someone struck with poverty. But calm down, all these illegal ungodly ways isn’t God system for us to make money.

See, I tell you the truth weather you believe or not, this is not our home, we don’t belong here. We will leave all these wealth one day. My friend, don’t let your peers pressure you into cutting means to have material thing, those are the bad ways. Don’t allow the world’s pressure get to you, it is not bad if you are only managing yourself now as a youth with one small thing like that, I repeat it is better than those that fraud people to make money. Who did this to us? What’s there in money? What do you need money for now, tell me. The girls, the house, the clubs? What? You will die one day o (Yes, hear me, you will die one day, you will die one day. My friends, you will all die one day and leave all the money behind. I will die one day and leave all I have behind) See, if you serve God and work hard, you won’t lack. No wonder some people are afraid of death, they know where they are going after this earth. If you live your life well, death won’t fear you. If you don’t attach yourself to material things, you won’t be scared to die (Sometimes, I sit down and wish I die now that I am close to God because I fear that I might lose my ways tomorrow, I am being sincere here).

That ancient path is the path of God and the good way is Jesus Christ. With Christ there is money, with Christ there is all you need, with Christ there is salvation for your souls.

See, for those of you that are trying to stand firm with God but the world is trying to put pressure on you, let it go today. Don’t cut ways, pursue your dreams and stay with God (So far your dream is not those illegal means). I tell you, if you focus on your dreams without bothering about the money, one day, you will be on your own minding your own business and money will start following you from everywhere. Make your dreams big, be pure, and don’t put pressure on yourself. If it is your wish to become a writer one day, don’t leave it for fraud. Start writing, think of ideas, think big, and pray to God for ideas and concepts. I tell you my friends, 10 naira earned by yourself is greater than 10 million earned by any illegal means.

Don’t let anyone deceive you o, it is not God’s plan for you to be poor, God is ready to give you money if you are ready to stay with him. God isn’t against prosperity, he loves you and he is the only one that will always have your back. He that gave his son for us, what is prosperity that he can’t give you (ordinary prosperity)? I hope I encouraged someone out there struggling to make it, you will make it, it is certain so far you are with God. Do your small thing now, one day, it will become big.

Money, Houses, Cars will all pass away but the kingdom of God will remain.

See, money is not the root of evil but the attachment to it is.

“Seek first the kingdom of God and every other thing will be given to you” This verse is a mystery, if you want everything, seek God first.

I tell you and I tell you, and I certainly tell you, you can’t be with God and lack prosperity.

I love you all but God loves you more.

Let me go and prepare tomorrow’s sermon.

Please, you can get my books at

I have a book on purchase there.

Title: The Roman 3

It is not expensive, about 200 naira or so. The good thing is that you can buy it with cards (Recharge cards). All you need to do is to download the okadabook app, sign up or log in if you already have an account with them, refill your account with your 200 naira MTN card or from your bank account and then purchase my or any other book you want. The amount of card you recharge should correspond with the price of the book o. (If a book is 220, you should recharge like 300, and your balance will remain for you). I really want you to support me. (When I mean refill your account, I don’t mean you should recharge your phone account o, go to the app, there is a place for refill, you will refill your okadabook account from there and then buy the book). God bless you

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