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  • Writer's pictureGabi

No, it isn't beauty.


Hey guys, it Gabi on the microphone and today I will be talking on something related to relationships (Yes, I will be taking Fridays to talk on things pertaining to relationships).

Some people will be able to relate to this. Like there are some of our fathers out there who treat our mothers like trash, some hit our mothers, don’t take care of our mothers and what they do is to go out there and look for young, beautiful girls to waste money on. And on seeing these, we the guys will be like ‘If I grow up and get married, I won’t be like my father, I will make sure I take care of my wife”. Should I shock you? Do you know that some of our fathers who now treat their wives as trash actually made such vows?

Have you also ever been to the village and see old couples living together happily and they have been like that since when they were young? At times, when you see the mama face you will be like ‘I am sure this woman was ugly when she was young, what attracted this baba to her that they are still this way even at old age?’

I tell you the truth, everything started now. What do you chase now, beauty, fine face, nice curves, fine eyeballs? All those things are good but that doesn’t mean you should jump into a relationship with someone that have them. Ask me why.


You shouldn’t just jump into a relationship with someone that have them because one day, they will fade away. That old grandma that you think is too ugly, don’t you know she was the slay queen of her time? There was a time she had the shape. Ask your grandpa in the village, he will tell you that that your frail grandma you are seeing now once used to have the figure eight and the curves (Bro Raphael, stop looking at me like that, I know all those things) but now they are no more but grandpa is still with grandma because grandpa wasn’t chasing after the curves and face.

I respect men that grow old with their wives. Anytime you see one, please go to them to bless you.

Let me start by telling you this, do you know that beauty is not defined by the curves and fine face? (Stop staring at me) I am not saying having a fine face and good curve is bad but that is not what defines a lady being beautiful, it is the devil system that is allowing us see those things as what defines beauty.

To guys chasing these things now and vowing never to treat their wives as trash, I tell you a time will come when your wife will grow fat and those curves won’t be there anymore and then you will look at her and hate yourself for ever going for her in the first place.

Try ask grandpa in the village, why are you still with grandma. Let me tell you what the old man will say, I know what the old man will say. He will be like “I don’t know, I can’t just leave grandma alone. Grandma is the best thing that ever happened to me”.

Please, though I am referring to the guys, it also applies to the girls. See, chasing all these things you see is what is called Lust. That’s the truth. You know it in your heart, you might try to pretend now that I am lying but I know, I am a guy and I know that once you don’t see those things again or you are now seeing another more attractive one outside, you will push that lady away (E dey happen. You know I am not lying).

I am not saying you shouldn’t date a beautiful or sexy girl but that fine face or sexiness shouldn’t be the reason why you should date them.

I tell you, what defines beauty is not what you see outwardly, it is what comes out from within. Beauty isn’t the fine face and the curves, no. Beauty is defined by the whole personality of that lady, the character, the all.

To me, a fine faced sexy girl with wayward lifestyle is very ugly (I tell you the truth).

Girls, don’t attract guys with your curves and the rest, be attractive o but don’t use those vain things to make men fall for you because the day they get up, they will useless you. I am telling you the truth, I am a guy and I won’t lie, I have once deceived girls (I am not a saint). You should rather polish your character and the person within you. You can’t be wayward and be like “Any guy that will love me will love for who I am”. Who told you that? It is a lie? No one will want a girl with wayward lifestyle, don’t let movies deceive you o. They will just deceive you. No God fearing brother will want a girl as wayward as you, God won’t even be happy with you. You think God will take his well trained and loving Son to you that is more wayward than wayward?

See, if you are lusting over anyone today, there is still chance to let them be, don’t fall for vain things. Let the face go, let the backside go and focus on the real beauty. Else, one day, just like our fathers did, you will raise your hands and hit your wife.

This is the truth I have to tell you, you have seen the beautiful face and the sexy curve, have you seen the other side?

This is why after two years of marriage, the lady don’t suddenly interest the guy anymore (Bro Raphael, you are looking at me, where is your first wife?).

Girls, know this. Those vain things won’t keep him, the real beauty will. As you take care of your face, also ensure to take care of the person in you because one day, those vain thing you take care of won’t be there anymore and you will need the real beauty to keep you.

Beauty lies within

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