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  • Writer's pictureGabi

Is education still the key?

I thought it was a simple process, it thought the process to achieving success was: Going to school, ensure you become the best you can be in school, Finish school and then become successful. Of course, that was the key back then, try asking our men of old and they will tell you that is the process. Once you are done with school and you have gotten good grades then you are sure to get a good job. That was what our fathers told us “Education is the best legacy”.

I was in a bus some days back, a public bus to be precise. I thought the well-dressed guy sitting just beside me was also a passenger, I was shocked when he got up and asked us the real passengers for our transport fare. What got my attention wasn’t exactly the fact that he was well dressed, his use of English swept me off balance. Yes, I am not a conductor but I was sure then that if I am to be in a debate with that young man in the bus that morning, a debate which counts base on your fluency in English language, I won’t be worthy to untie the lace of his shoes. Thank God I was to drop at the last bus stop (The point where the bus itself is to stop), I so much longed to speak with this educated conductor. I stylish waited behind like I was looking around for something until the coast was clear before I took my shot. “Good morning” I greeted the young man who was now busy counting the money he had made from the first trip of the day. “Good morning” He greeted me back as he rose his head to stare transiently at me. I paused, I didn’t know how to present my case, I didn’t want to sound rude and I didn’t want him to feel offended. “Are you the conductor to this vehicle?” I blurted out my question. He immediately stopped counting, look up at me and nodded with a smile on his lips. “I have been the conductor for some months now, I can’t just stay idle after my graduation from the university” He told me. The surprising thing was how he maintained the smile on his lips all along. That was it, he is a graduate, a graduate of a prestigious university of our wonderful country. Hmm, that guy I spoke with that morning is someone who had the best legacy “Education”. Didn’t they tell us that education was the key to success? Didn’t they lie to us that if we are educated then we are meant to be successful? Didn’t they paint education to us as the ultimate all? What then are our educated youths doing in the bar every night drinking themselves to stupor due to frustration? What then are our educated youths doing in the police cells? I thought if I am educated then I should be successful. Isn’t education the key anymore? What then is the new key? I think I know it.

But I am educated.

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