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  • Writer's pictureGabi

God loves you

Hello dearies, it is Gabi on the microphone as usual and today, I want to encourage some people. (Bro Raphael, you are not part of them, leave here)

Hmm, I see a lot of people really needs encouragement, they come online pretending to be happy but deep down, they really wish things will just go alright for them at least for once.

Your parents think you are useless, they have been too harsh on you and abused you for just silly mistakes, whosoever you are, I tell you, you are wonderful, you are strong and you will make it in life (That one is sure).

People always want to cheat you because of your gentleness and peaceful nature, the world see you as fools because you want to stand upright and don’t want to hurt people, look at me whosoever you are, you are the best.

You think no one will love you, you are a good guy or girl but all you get is people toiling with your feelings. If you can relate to this, I tell you keep it up, God will reward you, and you are wonderful.

You are always insulted even when you are right, you get no encouragement for doing wonderful things, you are now use to insults, you cuddle up yourself alone at night and cry. Don’t cry again dear, I tell you today, God is watching and fighting for you.

What about those that have been constantly maltreated? You are now use to suffering and pains. No one will listen to you, no one is ever on your side. Wherever you are and whosoever you are, God is there for you, keep him close and you will be vindicated.

I know there are people here whose parents have instilled fear in them, they think you can’t do anything but you know the amount of potential that is in you, you know what you can do when you are alone. They have seen you as useless and you are now starting to see yourself as useless. They have made you see yourself as incapable of doing things.

Whosoever you are, I tell you something, you are not useless. No man, not even the parents can predict your destiny. You are a success, you are blessed, you are useful, God loves you, I love you and you will surprise your generation and your parent.

To those who are always cuddled up, you have concluded that the world does not want you and so you should be alone. I tell you the truth, without you, the world is incomplete. God loves you and he has a purpose for you.

For those rich ones, the parents, and those friends that take time to look down on others. Those ones that know useless children, those ones that take advantage of people calmness and peacefulness to cheat others, those ones that maltreat others without thinking, those ones that are always the causative agent of people tears, listen to me, God loves you.

God loves you

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