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  • Writer's pictureGabi

Education isn't the key

There are different reason why the key to a door can be changed. Firstly, the key might have probably become old and weak and so needs replacement or the key must have been made useless by some system or probably the lock to the door was changed. I guess the most probably illustration to use here is the second, the key to success has been made useless, our educational system has been made useless. I won’t like to go into our educational system for now, I might do that in another blog post. The key to that door called success has been changed and now we fall out of the way trying to look for the new key. This is why you see youth of nowadays do different sort of things like stealing, prostitution, advanced fraud and the likes. Forgive me, I am not trying to be on their side, I agree that some of them are probably lazy and so go into different stuff. I also agree with myself and I also want you to agree with me that some of those who indulge in all these illegal things aren’t actually lazy, they have tried all they could but all to no avail and now they have been forced to believe that the key to success should be one of those numerous illegal means. Its true there was a time that education use to be the key to success but not anymore. There was a time when you just have to call to school, do well in school and then you get a good job but as I said earlier, “There was a time”.

Recently, I had the chance to have a one on one conversation with one of those who probably a decent guy will tag ‘Bad boy’ and I discovered something. Most of those we consider as bad aren’t actually bad, they have been frustrated on the journey to looking for this particular key to success. I have also gotten the chance to speak with some students and I always ask them one striking question “So now, you go to school, finish and get a good job bah?” I will always ask them and they will smile at me and reply “Yes o, I just have to be the best and that’s it”. Most times, I laugh at their replies. Don’t they see the guy with rough hair walking down the street with nearly tattered clothes? Don’t they know he is also a first class student? The girl managing a small hair dressing shop by the road side, did she forget to tell them she was the best during her time?

It is true that there are some few educated persons with actually good jobs in good firms and industries but many of those some actually got the job by knowing someone important. I guess knowing someone important isn’t the key to success, to me, that sounds like one of those illegal means most of our youths take while looking for the key to success. So I am a first class student and you managed to scale through school but you ended up working in a good firm because you know someone and I don’t. I tell you the truth, that isn’t the key to success, rather it is one of those illegal keys.

The door to success is still very much there, but the lock has been replaced because the previous key has been made useless. Education is no longer the key. Education as I see it just gives us awareness about a door called success or better put, education is just a step leading to the door called success. What then is the key to success?

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