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  • Writer's pictureGabi


Good evening guys (or good whatever time of the day you are reading this). Before I start my today’s sermon, I will want to say a big thank you to those who actually take out time to read my posts, thank you. Like today, I went to my secondary school to pick my brother from school and I met my favorite teacher of then and even now, she used to be my trustee (I don’t know what that means). We were discussing and she said something like I use to see your microphone stuffs on Facebook o. I was really inspired to hear that and that inspiration has moved me to buy another microphone (Like an elderly woman do read my posts, am shocked).

Hi guys, it’s Gabi on the microphone and today I will be talking about something spiritual and biblical and something also interesting.

Do we having the Holy Spirit mean we won’t sin again? No.

The Holy Spirit does not come to give us power not to sin again, it comes to give us power to overcome sin, and it gives us power over sin.

I tell you something, you can be filled with the Holy Spirit today but return to your old ways tomorrow (I am a testimony. I remember there was a time when I always wanted to do just the things of God but as time went on, I started to back slide. I remember there was a time when I vowed to never return to my sins again, like I was fortified but then I lost something and back slide).

Ephesians 6:14 (If you have your bible please open. Sister Prince, where is your bible?) “Stand firm and hold your ground, having tightened the wide band of truth around your waist and having put on the breastplate of righteousness”. I wonder, if the Holy Spirit have come so we won’t sin again then why is Saint Paul still asking us to stand firm and hold our ground. Why isn’t he asking us to find the spirit so you won’t sin again?

See, with the Holy Spirit we have the power to stand against any sin, we aren’t subjected to any sin of the flesh but we can go back to those sin if we don’t have DISCIPLINE.

As a matter of fact, the devil loves to tempt those with the Holy Spirit, ask Jesus Christ after he came from his fast in the wilderness, he will confirm my words. The devil did not fear this son of God, he tempted him. Do you think the devil will continue to tempt us if he knows that with the Holy Spirit we won’t sin again? The devil knows that even with the Holy Spirit, we humans still lack one thing, discipline.

As small as we might see that word, many people perish because of lack of discipline. Do you know that before you sin, the first thing you do is think about it? Are you disciplined enough to control your thoughts? See the Holy Spirit will be there telling you don’t do it, he won’t force you not to do it. You are left with the choice to either follow him or do it. “Put on the breastplate of righteousness”. Be discipline enough to control your thoughts. I tell you something, Sin is the expression of our negative thoughts

See, with the Holy Spirit, you can overcome it but you can make yourself susceptible enough not to be able to overcome it (I tell you the truth). Be disciplined enough to guide your thoughts, I remember I once shared a scripture from the book of James that says “Our thoughts conceive to bear sin”.

Without the Holy Spirit, you are nothing.

With the Holy Spirit and without Discipline, I don’t know what you are.

The Holy Spirit will tell you it’s bad, don’t do it, this is the time to read the book of James or listen to a message but an indiscipline man will say ‘I know Holy Spirit, after this once, I won’t do it again’

Remember I love you but God sure loves you more.

Thank you to all those that take at time to read, reading is not enough, put it into practice.

Tomorrow is Friday, I will be talking again on relationships.

It takes discipline

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