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  • Writer's pictureGabi

Breaking free from masturbation 2

Yeah friends, it’s Gabi still on the microphone and I am back to continue from where I stopped yesterday (Where did I even stop?)

I think I was going to tell you on how the devil entices you for those of us that are not possessed but masturbate as though possessed. I remember I told you about some days when you don’t even think of masturbating even if you see all sort of things on social platforms. Now if you are a good observer (That is if you are a science student like me. Please no insult to the art students) you will observe that those days when you don’t think of masturbating are either those days when you remember you need to spend some time with God or not 100% sure, those days when you are too busy that you don’t even think of it. One thing a moment of staying with God does for you is that it fortifies you, if you notice, you will see that those days you actually make up your mind to be holy, you don’t feel like masturbating. So what I am saying in essence is that most of the days you don’t masturbate are your holy days. Now, this is how the devil works. He waits for a day when you probably forgot or don’t feel like staying with God and touch something, your thoughts. Yes, the first thing the devil and his agents touches is your thoughts (I know you might be surprise how I know all these, hey I am not the devil). That same book of James I made mention of yesterday even confirms it “The devil entice and bait us with our desires”. Your thoughts might just wander to something immoral, and that’s it, the devil falls in with his armies.

If you don’t quickly put an end to those immoral thoughts, I tell you, it will grow to swallow you. You might say to yourself, let me just think of it, I won’t do it (That’s what I do say that year, my brother, I do it). If you aren’t able to control that stage when that immoral thought is planted then brother Lukmon, I assure you, you will find it very hard to control yourself from falling to sin. Oh how I love the bible, the bible even supports me when it says “And when those illicit desire has conceived, It gives birth to sin” (I didn’t say so, Apostle James wrote that). What it mean for those desires to conceive is not to give birth (I know that’s what some intelligent people in the building might be thinking). For it to conceive mean for it to manifest it course, for it to overshadow you. Your thinking will make you frail and you will fall easily to that sin, that masturbation. No wonder God told me “Your thoughts will turn out to be your life” (What are you saying, you think God don’t speak with me? Look at this one). So the devil start by planting an inception or most times takes advantage of an already planted inception in your thoughts. When the devil has planted this inception, he starts to entice you, you will start to see post of naked women and porn stories. After enticing you, he will then bait you (Do you know what it means to bait? Stop pretending, I will tell you). For those fishermen among us, you know when fishing with your hook, you put some kind of worms or whatsoever it is at the end of that hook (whatsoever you put there is something the fish can eat bah). So you show the fish something good for eating, something sweet, you show it to the fish, you bait the fish. The fish sees something good for food but at the end of that something sweet for food is death. So also is the case for every masturbant (There is no word like masturbant, I only use it to mean one that masturbate, English student like us). The devil will show you those things you desire, naked girls or guys, porn stories, as a matter of fact, if care isn’t taken, he will bring it to you in reality. So the devil will entice and bait you with your desires.

But the truth of the matter is that if your thought isn’t corrupted then even if the devil entices and bait you, you won’t fall. So the first thing the idiot attacks is your thought and so the first thing to do is to guide your thoughts. If you notice well, those days you don’t masturbate are those days your thoughts don’t wander to those things of the flesh. So the first thing you have to do which is what I did is to first guide your thoughts.

Pray so that you won’t fall, don’t fall then you come back to pray for God to forgive you for falling, prayer isn’t a tool for you to sin, to turn it into a sinning tool.

Try guide your thoughts today and see what happens. We will continue tomorrow.

You can break free

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